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lucky760 (Member Profile)

Romney: Corporations Are People, My Friend.

Romney: Corporations Are People, My Friend.

[defunct] snoozedoctor says...

He wasn't talking in the context you ascribe. He was talking in the context of what I said, that corporations are comprised of people and the money corporations make goes into people's pockets. This wasn't a deep legal discussion going on, he was just responding to hecklers, which he did in a very polite and controlled fashion.>> ^Boise_Lib:

He didn't say that corporations are comprised of people. He said corporations ARE people--which is the stance of the corporatist in America. Our Supreme Court has said that corporations have the rights granted to people by the Constitution of the United States of America (they are Wrong).
If you classify corporations as people--then you would have to classify them as psycopathic people.

moodonia (Member Profile)

[defunct] snoozedoctor says...

You have any idea how I re-register my old account? I couldn't figure it out easily, so I just made a new one, but I see all my old stuff is still under 8999 member, which I assume is just an inactive account. It's not apparent at all how you reactivate that, if you can. They should make that simpler to figure out.

In reply to this comment by moodonia:
Hey Dr. Snooze!

Great to see you back practicing at St. Videosifts! :

Romney: Corporations Are People, My Friend.

[defunct] snoozedoctor says...

Employees, and all those providing services the employees buy, shareholders earnings, the profits people make on the purchases of goods/services provided by the corporation, are inconsequential to the earnings of a select few? Hardly. Do I think top management of many, if not most, of major corporations in the US are overpaid? Yes. Particularly in consideration of poor performance. What possible sense does it make to pay bonuses when a company is losing money? "Retention bonuses"? Give me a break. Taxing corporations excessively won't change this behavior. Most of these corporations are publicly owned anyhow. A coordinated effort by the majority shareholders could vote out BODs of these companies. Why don't they? Because they are greedy too, if you want to call it that. They don't want to devalue their investment. >> ^Crosswords:

"Everything corporations earn ultimately goes to a few very rich people"
There, fixed that for ya Romney, no need to thank me, just doing my civic duty to keep thing accurate.

Romney: Corporations Are People, My Friend.

[defunct] snoozedoctor says...

I fail to see what is so terrible about making the point that corporations are comprised of people. He's stating the obvious. Can a corporation exist without people? NO. Corporations create jobs, they employ people so they can enjoy a livelihood. Would society be better off without corporations? Of course not. In a free society you are welcome to start your own corporation. By doing so, so help CREATE wealth, not DESTROY it. Somebody should make some economic classes available here.

BBC Shushes Black Writer Broadcaster About London Riots

BBC Shushes Black Writer Broadcaster About London Riots

Rape in Oslo: "non-Western" perps, "Western" victims

CDC's Julie Gerberding Admits Vaccines can Trigger Autisim

moodonia (Member Profile)

Emergency Tracheotomy

[defunct] snoozedoctor says...

I went back and reviewed the abstract from the Phoenix study. My numbers were a little off, 56 patients received a surgical airway, 27% survived to discharge from the hospital, but only 3 were judged to have "good neurologic recovery."

Emergency Tracheotomy

[defunct] snoozedoctor says...

In emergent airway algorithms, cricothyrotomy is the choice of last resort, so paramedics would have exhausted all other options. One other study, I can't remember where it was done, found that over half of the surgical airways that had been performed in the field were unsatisfactory airways on presentation to the ER, i.e. only around half were actually successful. I don't think anyone can fault someone for following suggested algorithms. As an old and wise surgeon once told me, "son, you can't get much deader than dead." The statistics merely point to the dismal prognosis, should one be required. "Meaningful neurologic outcome" just means there wasn't a severe brain injury, such that the patient could have some quality of life.

Emergency Tracheotomy

[defunct] snoozedoctor says...

Airways are my business. In one review of 50 prehospital surgical airways (performed by paramedics in the Phoenix area), only 2 had meaningful neurologic function on discharge from the hospital. A "save" from a pre-hospital surgical airway is a rare event.

60 Minutes on the impact of antivaccination lobbying

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